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Summer Fun with Furever Friends: Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Heat

Summer’s here! Time for barbecues, pool parties, and…keeping your pets safe! At The Garza Home Team, we love pets as much as you do, so we’ve put together some essential tips to ensure your furry friends have a happy and healthy summer.

Hydration Heroes: Just like us, pets get dehydrated in hot weather. Make sure they have fresh, cool water everywhere they go. Place bowls in shaded areas inside and outside your home, and bring a portable water dish on outings.

Never Leave Pets in Hot Cars: This can’t be stressed enough! Cars heat up FAST, and cracked windows aren’t enough. Leave your furry friends at home in a cool, safe space if you’re running errands.

Pavement Protectors: Hot pavement can burn paws! Schedule walks for cooler mornings or evenings. Test the pavement with your hand – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. Consider grassy walks or invest in protective booties.

Shade Seekers: Pets can sunburn too! Create shaded areas in your yard with umbrellas, awnings, or trees. If they enjoy sunbathing, apply pet-friendly sunscreen to exposed areas like noses and ears.

Overheating Alert! Pets can’t tell you they’re uncomfortable. Watch for signs of overheating like excessive panting, drooling, weakness, vomiting, or collapsing. If you see any of these, move your pet to a cool area, offer water, and call your vet immediately.

Cool Comfort Indoors: When it’s scorching outside, make sure your furry friend has a cool retreat indoors. Keep your home well-ventilated with fans or air conditioning. No AC? Create a cool zone with a fan and access to cool surfaces like tile floors.

Happy Pets, Happy Home: Following these tips helps ensure your pet’s summer safety! Explore the outdoors together, but always prioritize their well-being.

Remember, a healthy pet makes a happy home! If you have any questions about pet safety or finding a pet-friendly home in San Antonio, contact The Garza Home Team. We’re here to help!

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Thank you again for everything. It has been a pleasure working with you guys. Rosa you have a wonderful personality that is contagious. May God continuously bless you and your family.
M Anaya | San Antonio, TX